Valentine’s: Ruth’s heartfelt Request ~

Sound on. : ) My rescued fur baby, Ruth Bader “Guineasburg,” is asking that we all offer our country some LOVE by voting in the upcoming election. ~ Let’s let love WIN ~ Speaking of LOVE, here’s a message from lil’ Iris. Close your eyes to receive it…

Change is Continual & HUMOR is a Great Teacher!

Dealing with change is an ongoing issue for all of us. Understanding our own personal style of dealing with various stages of change—beginnings, middles, and endings—can be helpful. Comedian Jerry Seinfeld in his book, SeinLanguage, shares an insightful and humorous story called “Dining Out” that inspired me to come up…

Balancing Mind-Body-Emotions

When I begin working with new clients, I often look for indications of whether they are more comfortable feeling powerful or vulnerable. I listen for areas in their lives where they describe themselves as powerful “givers” (or rescuers) and areas in their lives where they appear to feel overwhelmed, and…

Hearing the Creative Call

Have you ever wondered if you have untapped creativity buried somewhere inside yourself? Do you connect deeply to other people’s works of ART and envy their ability to express themselves creatively? If so, then you may be hearing or feeling the creative call stirring from within yourself. Unfortunately, some people…

Active Listening vs Toxic Positivity

With anxiety and depression on the rise today, it is undeniable how isolated and lonely many people are feeling. The roller coaster of this pandemic can leave each of us feeling exhausted and yearning to be seen, heard, and understood by another human being. To counter feelings of isolation, shouldn’t…

Embracing Change: Moving Forward & Trusting Yourself

If you’re like many of us, you’d love to experience more control in your life—more control of the pandemic, more control of your income, more control of your personal rights, and more control of the wellbeing of your loved ones. Yes, our Wish Lists for wanting to be “more in…

Get Your ZEN ON — Before hitting the ground running!

Your alarm blasts in your ears and you jolt out of a deep sleep. You look at the clock on your nightstand in utter disbelief that your sleep time is over…done… spent. “But I just lay down!” you protest. “Ugh—and I have a million things to do today!” After you…

What Triggers Emotional Eating?

Emotional eating is when we use food to alter our mood or push down uncomfortable or painful feelings. In this mode, feelings are enemies that need avoiding. While giving in to emotional eating, we succeed in avoiding some feelings, but after overeating, we often have a new set of feelings…

Decluttering: A Breath of Fresh Air!

As our cool weather winds down, we come out of our cozy caves, stretch, and feel the warmth of the sun. When our muscles and limbs warm up, we receive a surge of new energy. After a good afternoon frolic in the sun, we have an opportunity to return to…

Iris & Favorite Toy

Sound on : ) Iris is LOVING UP her favorite stuffed animal and savoring mom’s nurturing. Wishing you a great day with some Unicorn MAGIC!

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